Monday, February 13, 2017


Noah- A biblical figure from the bible, Noah built an arch and saved chosen people and 2 of a kind of animals.

Zorastrilians- A religion is taught in the 10th century BCE in Mesopotamia based on a conflict between  the spirits of good and evil, a particular reverence for fire, it is still practiced in Iran and India.

Kish- An ancient city in Sumer, now in central Iraq.

Gilgmesh- An ancient legendary priest- king in Sumer. He was a heroical priest- king in the city of Uruk.

Sumer- Was the first known civilization in the world, located in southern Mesopotamia were the two rivers converged.

City State- In Mesopotamia, political units or settlements were organized into city states. Each had a religious and trading center surrounded by an area of agriculture.. All city states were independent kingdoms.

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