Monday, February 13, 2017


Seafaring-A sailor at sea, or set off to sea

Ancestor- A person from whom one is directly descended

Domestication-Change animals or plants from a wild to a tame or cultivated state

Brazier-A portable metal container for burning charcoal or coal

Epic-long story of the adventures and achievements of a heroic person

Nippur-An ancient city  of Babylon on the Euphrates South east of Babylon, important religious center in Summerian times

Tablet-In Mesopotamia a thin flat slab of clay that was baked and was used for writing,recording goods, grain storred. It was also where important laws. Its also where important laws were written.

Temenos- A sacred enclosure in the Zigguret a place for yearly ceremonies.

Anatolian highlands- A plateau region in modern Turkey.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon-One of the seven wonders of the ancient world built by Nebuchadnezzar for his wife

Lancet-A small broad knife with two flat edges and a

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